Season 5, Episode 1: The Process of Losing with Bethany Barnard

This season, we're a book club, walking through Melissa's book, "What Cannot Be Lost: How Jesus Holds Us Together When Life is Falling Apart" We'll talk through a new theme each week as we go chapter by chapter through the book. This week's guest is Bethany Barnard, the writer of this season's theme song, "Comfort" off of her album, "All My Questions" Beth is a musician and poet, wife and mother and we talk about grief, marriage, asking for help, losing a parent and how Jesus gives us the gift of one another.

Join the book club and follow along by going to and downloading a free eBook! 


Beth Barnard is a musician, poet, and takes after her father in her ability to tell a good dumb joke. Find her on Instagram and check out her music here. Her husband is also a musician.

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